Sample Result

UserId: 1516492,
TenantId: 2,
StateId: 2,
StateName: "New Jersey",
BuildingId: 1,
AuthenticationType: 2,
DisplayName: "Reading Student",
FirstName: "Reading",
LastName: "Student",
Email: "[email protected]",
LoginId: "4801508017",
ImagePath: "",
LanguageId: 1,
Language: "en",
DefaultTimeFormat: 0,
Profile: "Developer Student Profile",
ProfileId: 3280,
Tenant: "ClassLink Demo",
Building: "CL Demo Building1",
Role: "Student",
Role_Level: 4,
LastAccessTime: "2015-11-12T19:25:32.000Z",
OrgId: ""
SourcedId: "4801508017"
UserIdUnique ID assigned to the user within ClassLink
TenantIdID assigned to the school district. Ensure you are working with users in the proper Tenant ID.
LoginIdAD username if it exists. Most school districts use Active Directory and this will be populated with their AD username.
TenantName of the school district the user is from.
BuildingName of the domain. Most districts usually just have one building/domain configured.
Roleavailable roles are Student, Teacher, Tenant Administrator
SourcedIdIf the district has OneRoster enabled, this will have the sourcedId of the user from OneRoster.
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